
juli 1, 2021

Beached and blessed

26 June 2021 – Day 6 At the crack of dawn part of the crew went on a much needed supply run in Hoorn while the […]
juni 28, 2021

Knowing as you go

25 June 2021 – Day 5 Good morning! After our long sunny day on Thursday, we spent the night anchoring near the firehouse ‘het Paard van […]
juni 28, 2021

Led by the wind

24 June 2021 – Day 4 This morning the sun was shining again, setting stage for the rest of our day. After some coffee and delicious […]
juni 24, 2021

Learning as we go

23 June 2021 – Day 3 – Enkhuizen to Den Helder Our third day began bright, beautiful and early. It was a little too cool for […]