
juni 24, 2021

The perspective of NIOZ: Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research

We had the chance to spend a few hours onboard the Aldebaran and the wonderful people that make up the Sailing for Impact team. Using the […]
juni 23, 2021

Saturated with Joy

22 June 2021 – Day 2 The first morning on the Aldebaran was early but happy. When the crew assembled outside for the day to start, […]
juni 22, 2021

An unexpected journey

21 June 2021 – Day 1 Early this morning, we all gathered with too little sleep at the harbour in Harlingen. After some organisational tasks were […]
juni 21, 2021

Sailing for Impact is about to set sail!

Sailing for Impact is about to set sail! Sailing for Impact stands for using a sailing vessel as a platform for a meaningful Master’s research trajectory. […]